
Snuck in a Day of RAGBRAI

It's hard to believe that I last rode RAGBRAI 3 years ago. I miss it and hope to get to do the full week many more times. On Friday, RAGBRAI passed close to home, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to sneak in a day.

The day started in Marengo and ended for most in Coralville. The day was a mild 48 miles. Even though I rode easy and stopped quite a few times along the way for pictures and food, I still made it to Coralville long before my ride was to arrive. I decided to extend the route and continued on in to North Liberty.

It was great being back on the road during RAGBRAI. Even if you aren't in to cycling, it is an experience you should try at least once. Pick a short day. Take your time. The view, the people, the bike. What a day.

Beer and bikes. Sounds like RAGBRAI. Rolling out of Marengo about 7am.

We love to see the state troopers out helping to keep the cars from attacking the bikes. Plus, you get to play chicken with the inflatable trooper bear!

A little early in the morning for the streets to be lined with welcomers, but they were still out waving hello.

If the corn field bathrooms aren't your thing, you have to wait for town.

Yes, it was hot. Yes, this felt great.

No, it's Iowa.

I swear I saw Grant Wood up on a hill with an easel.

Poorrrrkkk Chhhaaaaooooppp! I've yet to try the wares of Mr. Pork Chop, but he is a crowd favorite.

Fire pasta from Pastafari. They start their signs 15 miles before you get there. Sure makes you ride a little faster.

The reward. Tastes great. More filling.

Who's riding with me next year?


Jason said...

Someday I will ride on it. I miss the parties and just hanging out. I greatly prefer all of it to moving it turns out, but you already know that after trying it out ;-)

Mmmm, I want to go get a pork chop now.

Samantha said...

Next year, maybe.

The sprayer thing looked awesome. I would have been willing to ride/run through one of those this past weekend!